Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bug List

1. People at the grocery store are constantly parking too close to one side of the space, making it more likely for my car to get dinged when they open their door.
People are probably forced to park like this because someone before them parked in a similar fashion, forcing them to do the same, ultimately creating a chain reaction of similar parking style.

2. The Internet connection at the bookstore is too slow to get anything done.
The heavy traffic of people in the bookstore using WIFI is most likely the cause for this.

3. I am constantly receiving spam calls.
This bug exists because my number is given out by insurance companies most likely.

4. I am constantly receiving spam emails.
This bug exists because my email is given out for promotions.

5. I sometimes step in dog poo when at the park.
Sometimes people are a little lazy and refuse to clean up after their pets.

6. When I call a business and their automated phone system doesn't understand me so I have to constantly repeat myself.
Automated phone systems are not usually the best at understanding the first time, especially once I start to loose patience.

7. Getting a paper-cut when I am flipping through my textbook's pages
This usually happens when I am rushing to get to a page and not focusing,

8. My work computer freezing when I am almost done working with a patient.
Technical difficulties is part of everyday life but especially in a health care environment.

9. Driving over a pot hole.
There are a lot of roads in my area that need to be serviced but its the natural result of old roads that are heavily driven on.

10. Drivers hogging the left lane on the highway.
Most drivers are unaware of the practice to use the left lane as a passing lane.

11. My amazon delivery items getting wet in the rain.
Delivery drivers are not left with any other option than to leave my package in an exposed area if it is too large to fit in my mailbox.

12. People talking during a movie.
When friends and family get together it's hard not to joke or comment on a scene. I find myself doing the same when I see movies with my cousins.

13. Getting in a checkout line at the grocery store and the other lines are moving quickly and yours is not.
The combination of a slow cashier and a slow bagger will rarely result in a quick moving line.

14. People who use 5+ coupons every time they check out at the grocery store.
People have the opportunity to save money through free coupons and they make sure to make the most of them when they do their grocery shopping, regardless of how long it make take in the checkout line.

15. Cyclists on the roads who don't make the effort to make room for passing cars.
Cyclists have the right to use roads but they sometimes are fully aware of their surroundings.

16. Finding gum underneath a public table or chair
People are sometimes lazy and opt to dispose of their gum in less than appropriate ways.

17. Getting caught by a red light camera for rolling through a stop on red right turn.
I have gotten into the habit of rolling through red lights when I am making a right turn so it makes sense that I would get annoyed when their is a penalty for doing it incorrectly.

18. Motorcyclists cutting in and out of traffic.
They have the opportunity to easily fit in-between vehicles and small spaces but it does not allow other drivers enough time to react accordingly.

19. Traffic getting backed up because drivers slow down to look at a crash on the other side of the highway.
People's interest are peaked by multiple police cars gathered together and the cars behind them are forced to slow down as well, ultimately creating a chain reaction of cars slowing down to look.

20. Being put on a hold for an extended period of time.
People have little patience in general but especially when they are the phone.

I did not find great difficulty in coming up with this list, especially since I experience most of them on a daily basis. But I don't notice or remember them nearly as much, especially when they are happening. Most of them are minor "bugs" that don't take more than some self-control and patience to get through.


  1. I love all of your points! My experience with people parking so close to the line of the parking spot is what bugs me the most in your list. I know I probably should not let it bug me because the car may have had to park that close because of the car before. Good point you made. I love how you mention that motorcyclists cutting in and out of traffic bugs you. Here at UF, we constantly see UF students on scooters do this all the time.

  2. Hey Mike, I agree with a lot of what you said in this post but especially the part about the grocery store lines. I feel like every time I go it is a huge ordeal when I could have been in and out of the store in ten minutes. I agree with your reflection as well, the assignment was pretty easy, and it was mostly stuff that affected me daily.
