Thursday, September 12, 2019

Entrepreneurship Story

Fortunately, I live within walking distance of a great local farmer’s market where I can choose from a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with unique vendors who offer an array of different cuisines. One of those vendors happen to be Tres Amigos Salsa, a local family operated salsa business. My first encounter with John, owner of Tres Amigos, dates back to his first year of business. At the time, he was only starting out, had little to no customer base, and was taking a risk, as he had just left his previous place of employment in hopes of creating a successful salsa business. Through a heavy community presence, in person and on social media, John and his family have had little trouble in growing their business.

Fast forward some years later, he and his family have established their business within our community and grown exponentially, now offering their products in stores all around Central Florida, including various Fresh Market locations and local organic markets.

I enrolled in ENT 3003 because it is a great foundation for any occupation, especially project management, my main career goal as of right now. I hope to gain an in-depth understanding of how a companies are formed, specifically in regards to the different stages and obstacles that are commonly encountered.


  1. Hi Michael, I love this piece as you can really connect with the entrepreneur. He sacrificed a consistent income to try something that he believed in. It is very impressive that you were able to see John source his raw materials for the product he created. It's amazing to see the effort that he would go through to complete a fresh Salsa.

  2. Hi Michael,
    I love that you chose to do this about something and someone you found through a locals farmers market!! I think that's an amazing way of supporting your local growers and being a little bit more environmentally friendly. It's great that you got to see how a small business can really take off with persistence.

  3. Hey Micheal,
    I am glad John made it as an entrepreneur and it was something that you got to witness him do through a local farmers market. I had something similar in my hometown as on sundays people would gather in huge crowds to visit this one farmers market every weekend. I hope this market is still up and makes successful entrepreneurs for years to come.
