Sunday, December 1, 2019

Venture Concept No. 2

·         The group of customers my product is marketed towards are people with dogs who do not have access to pet food that is freshly sourced and properly prepared. 
  • I am offering a service for dog owners that provides them with the opportunity to better the livelihood of their pets. For most pet owners, the realities of the dangers commercial dog foods pose remain a mystery. With my service, dogs will be able to thrive with fresh ingredients that are packaged and shipped directly to their home. The service will be affordable, convenient, and provide owners with a healthier alternative to the dog foods they usually purchase. 
  • The forces that allow this to occur are the lack of knowledge on behalf of pet owners, regarding what their dogs should and should not be eating, and the lack of properly prepared foods for dogs to eat, which can be traced back to commercial pet food companies. Poor quality ingredients paired with mass production means less money being spent overall, which meets the needs for the large companies that make the dog food, but ultimately leaves pet owners at a loss, as their pets are now forced to suffer, whether they know it or not. This ultimately leaves a window of opportunity open for properly prepared foods to be marketed towards dog owners. 
  • Potential customers include anyone who owns dogs or knows someone who owns dogs. The growing and now common trend of looking after our mental and physical health has become so popular that people have begun adopting entirely new diets and routines. Common practice includes adopting diets that consist of more freshly and consciously sourced foods. My idea is based around the concept of extending that same conscious approach to the diet of our pets, or in this case, dogs specifically, 
  • For individuals and businesses alike, my product will be offered through the same platform, online purchasing via the product website. I will be offering different variations of dog food, ranging in ingredients and flavors. Like other pet foods in stores, I will offer chicken, beef, and fish-based meals, all of which will be prepared with fresh ingredients in USDA approved kitchens. As I will be going through extra steps to ensure the highest quality of food is available for customers, the price will reflect that. Depending on the weight and breed of the pet and the frequency in which they eat their meals, the price will vary. The starting price will be $2 per day and can move up to $14 per day depending on the conditions mentioned previously. Added convenience to the product includes the meals being shipped directly to your front door, packaged in convenient serving packs to make feeding easy. The food will arrive in refrigerated boxes that keep the food safe. 

Venture Concept: 
  • Individuals will buy my product if they are concerned with their pet’s overall health and well-being. People adopt/buy dogs for a multitude of reasons, but at the end of the day, they are taking on the responsibility of providing and taking care of that dog. They take them to the vet, ensure they are getting their yearly vaccines, and take them on walks. Dogs ultimately become a member of the family, and once people realize that the food, they are giving their pets are doing more harm than good, they will be left with little to no option than to seek alternatives. That is where my business comes in and provides pet owners with the opportunity to change the lives of their pets. They will be able to see the difference in their pet’s health, as their coats will shine and their energy levels spike.
  • Businesses who operate locally will by my product to meet the needs of those pet owners who prefer healthy and freshly sourced ingredients for their pets. 
  • There are no major competitors.
  • Price points: The price point is dependent on the pet’s specific dietary needs, but incentives like 1-week free trials and free shipping will be implemented to attract/retain new customers. 
  • Distribution: Initially, distribution will be done on a smaller scale, as the customer base will have to grow before I begin implementing a more strategic delivery approach. The general breakdown for distributing will include food being delivered directly to the customers door at no extra charge. Customers will have the opportunity to set up a delivery schedule, to ensure their pet’s food needs are met on a timely basis. Furthermore, customers will have the opportunity to easily change/update their delivery preferences, through the online website. 
  • Customer Service: Customer service will be at the forefront of the business, as our main goal is to ultimately better the lives of both pets and their owners. We will strive to ensure that all needs are met regarding the health of our customers dog(s). As mentioned before, customers will have free shipping on all standard deliveries. If a customer is not pleased with their purchase, we will offer a full refund and if they opt for an exchange, free express delivery of a new food choice will be given. 
  • Location: Online but marketed to all types of dog owners. 
  • Packaging: The packaging is relatively important, as it is responsible for ensuring the food is kept at an appropriate temperature for consumption. 
  • Employees:  I am estimating around 30 employees to begin with. 
·         Employees to prepare the food 
·         Employees to source freshly grown ingredients
·         Delivery team to ensure prompt delivery of products
·         Web designers 
·         Marketer experts - These individuals must have an extensive understanding of our product and the mission and values associated with our business. At that point, they can begin to advertise our product/service in the appropriate demographic areas to get the ball rolling and build a solid customer base. 
·         Management team 

  • Secret Sauce: Connections with local pet supply stores in my community gives me an advantage in comparison to others. These connections provide me with an already excited and eager customer base, stores to market my product throughout, and more connections with other suppliers and distributors. 
  • What’s nextI think the next logical step for my product/service is to expand on the customer convenience aspect. Regarding the actual product/service I am offering, I see very little room for innovation or addition. The whole idea of my product is to keep the shopping, selection, and delivery process quick, easy, and painless for the customer. As far as the convenience aspect of the service goes, I can implement more appealing policies so customers can more easily transition into this new form of shopping for their pets. For example, for customers that have a pet that is not quite adjusting to the new food as well as they would have hoped, I can send additional recipes at no charge or issue a refund if the customer is willing to donate the remaining food to an animal shelter.
  • For Me: Moving forward, I would like to continue a path that allows me to better the lives of those around me, just as this idea would. As for the expansion of this idea, I would like to extend the dietary options so that it is suitable for all common household pets. 

·         Offer incentives to help build a strong customer base. 
·         Look into adding more products to your website, such as toys, treats, and accessories, as it can be a one stop shop for customers.

How I’ll Adapt:
·         Look into offering more incentives like the free express shipping and trial period. Ideas like a rewards system can be implemented. 
·         After gaining a solid customer base, I can begin introducing more products such as toys and organic treats.

Image result for business clip art"


  1. Hey Michael,
    Your visual is funny and interesting and it's the first thing that caught my eyes when I was looking at your post. Also I've always liked your concept about educating dog owners about what they put into their dogs mouths. It would be so useful for people to know how it effects their animals. Also if you had different suggestions for different breeds and their needs that would be wonderful since certain breeds of dogs require different types of food. They also have different issues which means what they eat could really make a difference in their well being.

  2. Hi Michael,
    Your product has such a large customer base already, people really care about the well-being of their pets, so I think your idea is great. I think the picture is hilarious also. I think it's great you have connections with some of your local pet stores, and I think that having those connections is going to help you get started. If you plan on doing some of your business online, I think offering free express shipping is a great way to get people more interested, everyone likes free stuff. Good job!
