Sunday, December 1, 2019

Final Reflection

·        What sticks out to you as the most formative experience? The experience that you'll remember years later? What was your most joyous experience? What experience are you most proud of yourself for accomplishing?
o   I would have to say my most formative experience, at least one that I will remember for years to come would be learning the importance of time management. Although it was not one of the real lessons in the course, it is certainly a lesson I came to learn. Other than that, learning how to speak with complete strangers and connect with them proved to be a great learning process as well. 
o   My most joyous experience would simply be reading the great ideas of my peers and seeing them develop and grow their ideas, just as I did mine. As interesting and exciting it is to create an original idea, I find myself even more interested and drawn to seeing others come up with an idea and figure out what does and does not work about it. I would have to say that I am most proud of finding a product/service that I care deeply about that others also found value in. Knowing that others feel the same way about the importance of their pet’s health means a great deal to me, especially when my whole service/product is based around that very theme.

·         At the beginning of the semester, I mentioned that I wanted each of you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Now, at the end, do you see yourself as an entrepreneur? Do you think you have moved closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset?
o   Honestly, I would not say that I see myself as an entrepreneur, but I would agree with the statement that I am now closer to having an entrepreneurial mindset than I did before taking this course. I have developed my interpersonal skills and a new approach towards generating ideas that I think are a direct result of this course. 

  • What is the one recommendation you would make to the students who are going to journey down this path in the future? What would you recommend they do to perform best in this course? What would you recommend they do to foster that mindset?
o   My recommendation for students who will journeying down this path is to stay ahead of themselves and the work, as it will make their experience a much smoother one. In order to perform best in this course, working ahead and maintaining a routine are two practices that would yield the most results. Fostering that kind of mindset simply comes with practice. Breaking bad habits, if you have them, and instilling new, routine based ones are the first steps. 

Image result for entrepreneur clip art"


  1. Hi Michael,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. I found your comment on time management really relevant - I especially found that I needed to keep track of what was needed to be done daily and weekly for the course as there were many assignments throughout the week. I needed to plan ahead to ensure completion and that is what you also suggested for future students which is very appropriate advice.

  2. Hey Micheal,
    I really relate to what you said about learning how to talk and approach strangers from this class. This class made me a lot more comfortable in public settings and made me more confident in my ability to talk to people.

  3. Hey Michael,
    I also said that time management was the greatest thing I took away from this class. It really does require planning, and staying on top of your work and time. Your most joyous experience was also one of mine. I've really enjoyed reading your blog posts throughout the semester and I love your idea. The tip you gave to students about staying ahead of their work is really smart and will help them do well in the class also.
