Thursday, October 24, 2019

Create a Customer Avatar

I intend to market my product to businesses and individuals, but for the purposes of this assignment, I will describe the individual. 29-year-old Adam resides in Bradenton, FL with his two golden retrievers. He works at his local hospital as a nurse, where he has the opportunity to help others in need, something he greatly values. Furthermore, his position as a nurse allows him four days off during the week, giving him the opportunity to spend quality time with his dogs, taking them on walks to the local farmer’s market and going on the occasional stroll through the park. Besides spending time with his dogs, he engages in a multitude of extracurricular activities such as kayaking, rock climbing, and soccer, when he finds the time. He drives a green hybrid Honda Accord, allowing him to save money on gas while reducing his impact on the environment around him. He doesn’t eat out regularly. Instead, he makes an effort to purchase his produce and fish from local, freshly sourced markets and prepares his food himself. His value for health is translated to his dogs, as he prepares home cooked meals for them as well, like steamed fish, rice, and carrots. He makes it priority to recycle and minimize the amount of waste in his home. The closest organic dog supply store is over an hour away, forcing him to purchase dog food and treats from large chain corporations like PetSmart and Petco. He doesn’t have cable in his home, but he does have a Netflix subscription so he can watch his favorites, like the Office and various cooking shows. He enjoys reading autobiographies of people who exemplify traits like courage and humbleness and especially those who have a connection with nature. He recently finished a book about Eddie Aikau, one of Hawaii’s most admired surfers. Additionally, he enjoys spending time with his friends from his kayaking/rock climbing groups at the beach, where his dogs can run endlessly. 
What do I have in common with him? Interestingly enough, I have quite a few things in common with him. The fact that he lives alone with his dog and the connection to his value of ensuring they are healthy and looked after is something I can relate to. As someone who also lives with a dog and no one else, I feel more responsible for ensuring my dog has access to healthy options, just like I do. Other than that, his environmentally conscious attitude is another thing that I share with him. I make an effort to recycle and reduce the amount of waste I produce as well.

I don’t think this is a coincidence. I believe people who are environmentally conscious and value their health will naturally, or at least, without much difficulty, find it a priority to ensure their pets are given the same opportunities to live a healthy life, as their owners do.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michael,

    I think you have gone above and beyond in your description of your customer avatar. While reading the explanation of lifestyle and hobbies I became indulged in the story and could really relate as the story progressed. I like that you have similarities with the customer so you can relate and therefore ensure effectiveness of the product.
