Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Idea Napkin No. 1

1. Well for starters, my name is Michael and I recently transferred to UF. I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business management and plan to earn two certifications, one in general project management and the other, in construction management. While in high school, I earned a few awards for my accomplishments in both the debate club and the soccer program. I have had extensive experience in the health care industry, all of which has led me to greatly value honesty and compassion. My ultimate passion in life is to improve the lives of those in need, so this business opportunity is a great fit, I feel. If I was to kick off this business, I see it playing a major role in my life because it provides me with the opportunity to improve the lives of both pet owners and their pets. I would be able to share information with others that would ultimately improve the quality of life for animals, which would provide me with a great sense of accomplishment.

2. I am offering a service to pet owners, specifically dog owners to begin with, that would provide them with a combination of healthier diet options for their dogs and general knowledge about the realities of mass-produced dog foods and the benefits of freshly sourced ingredients. Currently, majority of dog owners are blind to the fact that the processed foods they are buying for their dogs, carry serious health risks and ultimately do more harm than good. The unmet need, having freshly sourced and easily accessible dog food, can be met, through investing in better ingredients and fresher foods and implementing delivery strategies that would ensure timely deliver to dog owners.

3. The primary customer group I am offering this service to is dog owners, to begin with. Specifically, dog owners who have been misinformed about the realities of the dog foods they are recommended to buy and owners who are interested in alternative diets for their dogs. Naturally, health minded, and health conscious owners will more easily gravitate towards this new information, but my intentions are to spread this knowledge to all. Marketing this service to small pet shops that are locally owned and operated is another path that could be explored, after the service has gained enough traction.

4. I believe customers will pay to use my product because it is a healthier alternative for their dogs. Ultimately it provides dog owners. with peace of mind and a clear conscience. Assuming it is an affordable product that is also convenient to obtain, there is little to no reason dog owners should decide against it. Seeing as how the goal of this product is to improve the quality of their dog’s life, pet owners would be left at a sort of moral crossroads, as the alternative to my product would mean potentially placing their pet’s life at risk.

5. This is a relatively new product that has a massive customer base and as our population’s overall health consciousness grows, it will naturally lead to us exploring healthier options for our pets, not just us! I have the advantage of being one of the first to implement this new service and catch the attention of dog owners all around.

  • I believe that all of these elements work great together. They all build off of one another and are all aimed at the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life for dog owners and their dogs. I foresee some minor obstacles in regards to spreading the information but I feel like if I were to start marketing it to certain audiences, such as regular customers at health food stores, it would more easily catch on, compared to me starting to market it to the general public.


  1. Hey Mike,
    I really like your idea here as all of these components fit together really well. I do believe that this has a huge market and that it is a problem with increasing awareness. Your experience in the health care industry could also prove to become useful in your venture.

  2. Hey Mike! I love the healthier dog food idea. Also, I think it will be very valuable to educate dog owners on all of the different dog foods and why yours is better. Knowledge is power. If the customer does not really see the value in buying a higher quality dog food then they will definitely opt for the cheaper one. I agree with you that if it is affordable that most dog owners would use it. Are you going to have different ingredients like no-grain? Or no-corn?
