Thursday, October 24, 2019

Elevator Pitch No. 2

#2 and #3:
  • Unfortunately, I did not submit a video for Elevator Pitch #1. For this video, I focused on making a short but informative video highlighting some of the common dangers and realities associated with commercial dog food, then offering the audience an attractive alternative that would ease their concerns. Moving forward, I could see how moving around more and being more enthusiastic could brighten the pitch up. 


  1. Hey Mike,
    I liked how you included facts and percentages in your pitch to make your customers feel the need for your product when it comes to their own animals. I also liked how you had your own dog in it which made a personal connection to every dog owner out there. I agree you could have had a little more movement but overall it was a good presentation.

  2. Hey Mike,
    So now your blog URL makes more sense to me since it's related to your dog. I own two dogs back in my hometown and I aspire to be a veterinarian one day so your pitch was extremely informative and interesting to me. Your alternatives were sound and your facts make sense and the visual of your dog kept me more interested as well.
