Thursday, October 10, 2019

Halfway Reflection

1.    Tenaciousness is a competency. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course? 
a.     A good combination or balance of time management and strategizing has played a major role in my ability to keep up with the requirements of this course. Setting up a calendar which outlines what I need to do in preparation for quizzes/exams and organizing other outlines for assignments, so I am more easily able to complete assignments are just a few of my approaches for a successful completion of this course and others. It certainly makes it much easier however, that the topic I am writing about in this course, is one I am truly passionate about. If not for that, I would have to spend a little more time thinking over my answers for the assignments.

2.    Tenaciousness is also about attitude. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this? 
a.     I wouldn’t say I have developed a tenacious attitude over the last two months, but I have certainly had some eye openers. As this is one of my first courses at UF, I had a rough awakening when I realized that you truly do have to dedicate your undivided attention towards a subject if you plan on absorbing the information and passing the exams. In regard to feeling like “giving up”, I actually made the decision to drop one of my courses for this semester, as the workload was too demanding for my schedule. But I will be able to apply the techniques I learned from this semester (calendar, strategizing, study schedule) towards others, moving forward.

3.    Three tips. What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset'?  
a.     Three tips I would offer a new student about tenacity would be to learn the best time management approach for yourself! Not everyone approaches a project or assignment the same way. You may work better by studying each subject in shorter periods rather than one long session. Regardless, find what works best for you and practice it. Second, discipline is key! You are the only person that can look out for you in the end of things, so make sure you are doing everything you can to ensure you succeed. Instead of pushing aside your textbooks because you feel like you’ve studied an adequate amount, realize that these courses are more demanding than most of the others you’ve taken, and they require that extra bit of studying. The beautiful thing about this, is that results are guaranteed, as long as you are disciplined in all aspects of your academics. Lastly, communicate! Utilize your ability to communicate with classmates. 9 out of 10 times they are going through the same things you are going through. The pre exam jitters and the stress of the demanding schedules just to name a couple. Studying with others allows you to absorb the information more easily and it can be more fun too!


  1. Hi Michael, great post. Passion is great motivator for me. Being able to enjoy doing work is an easy way to get going, and keeping a schedule can help keep that drive consistent. Your tips are superb and results will be "guaranteed". I found your tips to go hand in hand, and if executed correctly will help future students strive for success.

  2. Mike,
    Ive had to drop some classes in the past, but its totally normal! I used to give myself a hard time but I need to learn and respect my own limits. Finding your strengths and weaknesses was something I had to reevaluate and even learning lessons of time management the hard way. Every setback is an important tool for learning! Keep it up!

  3. Hi Michael, I agree that time management is crucial in ensuring success. If you can set out all you need to do weekly and allocate time to complete tasks then it is almost impossible to be unsuccessful.
