Thursday, November 21, 2019

Celebrating Failure

·      I guess I would say the most relevant failure this past semester would be taking on one too many courses. I spoke briefly about this in a previous blog post, but long story short, I overestimated my time management skills and underestimated the workload required for each of my courses. Unfortunately, I assumed these courses would be more similar to my associate degree level courses, and that clearly was not the case. I ended up having to drop one courses for this semester, putting me at a total of 2 courses. Overall, time management played the most important role and was most crucial to my success, or so I realized.
·      As far as what I learned from my experience, moving forward I have to set more realistic expectations of myself. Considering that I have recently started working full time, I have to take into account the fact that I won’t be able to take a full schedule of courses. I strongly believed that I would be able to balance my time evenly amongst three courses, but as I learned from this semester, that just cannot be the case. Also, working ahead and setting a routine for myself will help me substantially, I believe.
·      My view on failure in general, is that it is definitely a bummer, but there is usually a silver lining if you look hard enough. In this case, failure is one of our best lessons, as we are able to identify where we struggle and how to improve ourselves moving forward. As for how this class has changed my perspective on failure, I would say that I am more likely to take a risk moving forward. It is definitely scary failing, but picturing myself years down the line, looking back at my younger self, provides me with the motivation to take the risk, possibly fail, and learn now, rather than never find out what I am capable of.


  1. Hi Michael, well done on your post I found it really insightful. I really agree with there being a silver lining in failure. The worst thing to do is to never take anything from a failure. I believe that from every failure there is a lesson and it is so important to learn and improve from your previous shortfalls.

  2. Hey Michael,
    I really appreciated reading this post. Made me feel like I'm not the only one who feels that way about time management. It was definitely something I had to work on in college. Being realistic, can sometimes be hard because we all like to compare ourselves to others, but I do believe that you will be far more successful and happy while doing so, if you set realistic expectations and goals for yourself. I would never say to limit yourself but strive for the best without running yourself short. Good job and good luck next semester!
