Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reading Reflection No. 3

·      What was the general theme or argument of the book?
o   The general theme or argument of this book is pretty straightforward, revolving around the idea of how people can maximize their marketing potential through social media. For example, for anyone who looking to share information, whether it be their own or someone else’s, Kawasaki provides the necessary and recommended steps to achieve exactly that.
·      How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
o   This book in particular connected with and enhanced my learning in this course because it expanded on the social media aspect. Through this course, we utilize multiple forms of social media, from posting on our blog to using apps like Facebook and Instagram to find potential interviewees.
·      If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
o   An exercise I would conduct, based on this book would be to have students create some form of advertising for a product before having read this book. Then, I would require students to first, read the book and then recreate/edit the social media advertising to reflect what they learned and read. Second, I would have them record the feedback they got before/after the changes and see how much it really benefited their social media influence.
·      What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?
o   The biggest “aha” moment when reading this book came in the form of the info of how important visuals are in your social media posts. I had never really considered the appeal of them before reading this, but after, I could easily see how much more likely I was to click or read a post if there was a picture alongside it.


  1. Hi Michael, I decided on this book for the previous reading reflection and I thought it was highly relevant fro this course. It is completely in line with what we are learning and how we good put learning into practice. This book teaches how to maximise social media which in todays age is so important when creating a product and developing/expanding a business.

  2. Hey Michael, I too chose this book for our previous assignment and thought it was a good book for this class. My favorite part of your post was your exercise. This is because social media has a big role in todays' day and age and with your exercise it will display how using social media can help you design products in the eyes of the customer.

  3. Hi Michael,
    I think, like the book said, social media is a great way to maximize on marketing potential. Everyone nowadays seems to be on at least one social platform, if not more, so right there you're off to a great start. I think social media, when done right, is a great way to be and keep connected with people from all over the world, that you may have not been able to ever reach or connect with before. Good job!
