Thursday, November 7, 2019

Elevator Pitch No. 3

Reflection from No. 2: Based on the feedback from my last pitch video, just enough info was provided to entice the audience and create a demand for my product.

What I changed: I revisited the comments from my previous video and decided it would be more engaging if I were to stand up, move around, and add some tone to my pitch to make it more appealing. In regard to the actual information presented in the pitch, nothing changed. I feel that I identified the problem, offered a solution, and ultimately got the point across in a short and informative pitch. 


  1. Hi Michael,
    I definitely think by you standing up and moving around it was much more interactive and engaging. Your voice is also much more projected which makes it a better watch/listen. The content in the video is also really succinct and informative.

  2. Hey Michael,
    I agree that when you stood up and moved around your pitch was interesting to watch and I felt engaged and enlightened. Some times no new information needs to be added, just changing the way you convey it makes a huge difference and I think you found your niche on how you convey your idea. It was more elaborate and seems different then your last video which is great!

  3. Hi Mike,
    I like how you took into consideration the audience watching and adapted your pitch for them. The addition of movement and a change of tone made your pitch much better in my opinion. In this pitch it was very clear and concise your problem and solution, which I appreciate.
